In the News

October 23, 2023
Martha's Vineyard Bank trustees fund $1 Million dollar Food Pantry grant

October 12, 2023
Island Food Pantry Receives $1 Million Grant from Martha's Vineyard Bank

June 1, 2023
Martha's Vineyard Bank earns B-Corporation status

April 28, 2023
Martha's Vineyard Bank dedicates more than $600K to nonprofits

March 27, 2023
Thanks to a $20,000 grant from Martha's Vineyard Bank, The Fishermens Preservation Trust will be purchasing a flash freezer

February 10, 2023
Scholarship Honors Longtime Edgartown Moderator

February 10, 2023
The 2023 Philip J. Norton, Jr. Scholarship has been announced

February 9, 2023
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation announces the Philip J. Norton, Jr. Scholarship in honor of Mr. Norton's dedication to the community

February 6, 2023
Community Scholarships Applications Open

December 23, 2022
FUNDING IN ACTION. In their annual report, Martha's Vineyard Seafood Collaborative describes how a grant from Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation paid for a 5-ton ice machine that was essential for producing $250,000 pounds of shaved ice over the course of the season

November 30, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank's gift provides a Lift

November 10, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $600,000 to three Martha's Vineyard Non-Profits at its annual Corporator Meeting

July 29, 2022
$158,800 donated to local non-profit organizations in Second Quarter by Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Martha's Vineyard Bank

June 17, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Awards $72,000 in Total Scholarship Money to Six High School Seniors

May 24, 2022
$108,000 donated to local non-profit organizations in First Quarter by Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Martha's Vineyard Bank

May 24, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Welcomes Jennifer Ray as Community Engagement Director

May 2, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces 2022 Community Impact Grant Recipients

May 2, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces "Celebrate the Art of Teaching Project Grants" Application Deadline Extension

March 3, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank to hold Community Appreciation Week March 7th - March 12th

March 3, 2022
Community Voting Begins March 7th for Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation's $20,000 in Community Impact Grants

February 2, 2022
$109,681 donated to local non-profit organizations in Fourth Quarter by Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Martha's Vineyard Bank

January 27, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to Award $20,000 in Community Impact Grants on Martha's Vineyard and in Falmouth

November 24, 2021
$186,168 donated to local non-profit organizations in Third Quarter by Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Martha's Vineyard Bank

November 5, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Celebrates Martha's Vineyard Community Services' New Early Childhood Center Ribbon Cutting

November 5, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Announces its 3 Nominated Non-Profits are Recipients of Massachusetts Banker's Association Charitable Foundation Annual Grants

September 8, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $20,000 in First-Annual Celebrate the Art of Teaching Project Grants

August 19, 2021
$364,107 donated to local non-profit organizations in Quarters 1 and 2 by Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and Martha's Vineyard Bank

June 18, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces Community Impact Grants Recipients

June 16, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces Food Truck is "Wrapped and Ready"

June 8, 2021
Cape Symphony Receives $2,500 Grant from The Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation

June 7, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Awards $72,000 in Total Scholarship Money to Six High School Seniors

May 26, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces "Celebrate the Art of Teaching Project Grants"

April 15, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces Its New Website

February 22, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Seeks Grant Nominees

February 17, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to Award a $2,500 Community Impact Grant on Martha's Vineyard

February 17, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to Award $5,000 in Community Impact Grants in Falmouth

January 11, 2021
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $30,450 in Grants and Donations to Area Nonprofits

December 16, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation supports Massachusetts Military Support Foundation as it provides food boxes to families in need on Martha'S Vineyard

December 16, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation supports Massachusetts Military Support Foundation as it provides food boxes to families in need in Falmouth and surrounding communities

December 14, 2020
School COVID Testing Program funded by local charities in a public private partnership

October 24, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Awards $80,500 to Nonprofits

October 21, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $80,500 in Grants and Donations to Area Nonprofits
July 27, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $42,500 to the Vineyard Committee on Hunger

June 26, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Awards $72,000 in Total Scholarship Money to Six High School Seniors

May 4, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Announces Community Impact Grant Recipients

April 21, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank and the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $85,100 in Grants and Donations to Area Nonprofits

February 13, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation's "Community Impact Grant" Voting Begins Tuesday, February 18th

January 31, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank and the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Awards $17,000 in Grants and Donations to Area Nonprofits

January 29, 2020
Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to hold its first-ever Community Impact Grant awards

November 27, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank Grants

November 15, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank and the Martha's Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund Awards $15,000 in Grants and Donations to Area Nonprofits

July 30, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank's President & CEO Announces Significant Support for Martha's Vineyard Community Services at the "Possible Dreams" Auction

July 1, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank Announces its lead sponsorship of the Featherstone Center for the Arts Gala

April 23, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund Awards Three Grants to Island Nonprofits

February 20, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank Creates $1 Million Charitable Fund

February 19, 2019
Martha's Vineyard Bank launches Charitable Foundation with $1,000,000 Donation

June 29, 2017
Martha's Vineyard Bank Donates to Camp Jabberwocky

February 17, 2016
Martha's Vineyard Bank Donates $5000 for Fire Station Weight Room