Local Commitment is Crucial
Since its beginnings, Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation has had a deep-rooted belief that it takes a local commitment to help a community stay strong.
In early 2019, in recognition of Martha's Vineyard Bank's 110th anniversary, James M. Anthony, Martha's Vineyard Bank's President & CEO, together with the Bank's Board of Trustees and Management Team, enthusiastically announced the official launch of the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation with an initial donation of $1 million dollars.
The Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation has always been a stand-alone entity dedicated to our community and committed to its economic vibrancy, social vitality and long-term sustainability. The Foundation has focused on supporting high-impact nonprofit organizations and community service initiatives that enhance local societal and economic development. The formation of the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation builds on the Bank's long-standing tradition of service to our community.

"Martha's Vineyard Bank is owned by our community, and being community-owned, we see the formation of the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and the donations thereto as 'dividends to our shareholders', said Mr. Anthony. "When the Bank fuels the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation with these 'dividends,' we are giving back to the community that has invested in our success for over 110 years."