2020 Contributions
In 2020 The Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation donated over $1.2 million to local non-profits on Martha's Vineyard and in Falmouth.
Food boxes distributed to over 1,000 local families
Tens of thousands of people tested so far
Building expansion is underway
$1,000,000 fulfills an all-Island need
Food Truck Purchased to Meet Hunger Needs
Falmouth Service Center distributes to those in need
Helps Bring Holiday Cheer to Children in Need On-Island
A Pioneering COVID-19 School Testing Program in MA
Supporting the Island's Unsheltered Population
Helping our elders age in place
One-stop shop for Cape healthcare gets a boost
New van for Island Autism Group
The Island's pre-schools got pandemic support
Food Distribution
Luke Murphy, Managing Director of Martha's Vineyard
Investment Advisors, and his daughter, Lincoln, helped
distribute food boxes to families in Falmouth.
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, the Massachusetts Military Support Foundation (MMSF) provided USDA Farmers to Families food boxes to over 1,000 families in need on Martha's Vineyard and in Falmouth during the holidays.
MMSF collaborated with Island Food Pantry, Food Baskets MV, Vineyard Committee on Hunger, Island Grown Initiative, Up-Island Council on Aging, Tisbury Council on Aging, and the Falmouth Service Center. For more information on MMSF visit www.mmsfi.org.
Test MV
Volunteers helping out at the Martha's Vineyard
Regional High School COVID-19 Testing Center.
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, we are proud to be a Test MV community partner with Island Health Care, Quest Diagnostics, and the Island's Boards of Health for the development of the only on-Island drive-thru diagnostic COVID-19 testing center to help keep our Island community safe. Since Test MV's inception in June 2020, over 36,000 people have been tested.
Testing is by appointment only and takes place at the Testing Site at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School parking lot. Appointments can be made by calling (877) 336-9855 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm or by visiting ihimv.org.
Vineyard Montessori School
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, the much-needed Vineyard Montessori School (VMS) Toddler and Preschool Expansion Project in Vineyard Haven is well underway. The goal of this expansion project is to be able to school more Island children in the original Montessori education style. The new construction will be a 2,400 square foot modular building. Established in 1975, VMS is an independent non-profit school educating children from preschool through grade 8. For more information visit vineyardmontessori.com.
MV Community Services New Campus
As a direct result of the $1 million contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, the new campus for Martha's Vineyard Community Services (MVCS) will serve Islanders from newborn to seniors and construction - including the new Childcare Center - is underway.
The MVCS web site states, "We empower children, families, and individuals to lead their healthiest lives. While Martha's Vineyard is a top vacation destination attracting visitors from all around the world - our year-round population of 17,000 is one of the poorest in the Commonwealth."
Martha's Vineyard Community Services provides to the Island population. In 2020, MVCS provided nearly 20,000 hours of therapy in the Island Counseling Center and interacted with nearly 630 families through the MV Family Center. People can come to MVCS for Domestic & Sexual Violence Services, Disability Services, Senior Services, Mental Health Services, Peer Recovery Support Center, Substance Use Disorders, Transportation Access, Veterans Services, Youth & Family Services, and participate in the Thrift Shop.
For more information, please visit mvcommunityservices.org.
Vineyard Committee on Hunger
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, a 26-foot refrigerated truck was purchased for The Vineyard Committee on Hunger to provide transportation of food to Martha's Vineyard organizations addressing hunger. The truck is intended to be a shared resource among several no-cost food providers on the Island including Island Grown Initiative and Food Baskets MV. Also contributed to the Vineyard Committee on Hunger was a sum of money for Serving Hands. Additionally, money for a new iPad was given to help with food distribution logistics.
Food & Essential Items in Falmouth
Bank officer, Mary Griffiths, holding warm woolen
socks to accompany the hygiene kits for Falmouth
Service Center users.
As part of a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to The Falmouth Service Center, a large portion was given for Children and Family Assistance and another portion was given for Food & Essential Items (including money for hygiene kits and warm woolen socks) during the holidays. A Bank tradition for the past ten years, we are grateful to lend a helping hand.
For more information on The Falmouth Service Center please visit falmouthservicecenter.org
Red Stocking Fund Brings Holiday Cheer
Martha's Vineyard Bank employees happily wrapped gifts
during the Bank's annual "Red Stocking Wrap Party."
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation - including a donation to outfit 12 individual Island children with needed clothing and outerwear items - The Red Stocking Fund was able to help make the holiday season brighter for Island children in need. Martha's Vineyard Bank also helps The Red Stocking Fund collect new, unwrapped toys for the Red Stocking Fund annually by providing two official collection sites through December at two Bank locations.
For more information on the Red Stocking Fund please visit TheRedStockingFund.org
TestEd Helps Keep Schools Safe

The Martha's Vineyard School Testing Program, TestEd, is the collaboration of Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation and MV Youth coming together with Martha's Vineyard Public Schools to help keep our Island children, teachers, and administrators safer at school.
TestEd is now underway, using pool-based PCR (Polyamerase Chain Reaction) tests that are completed at home, and Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation is the fiscal agent for the program. TestEd is one of the first and most comprehensive COVID-19 primary/secondary school testing programs in the State with the goal of taking proactive measures to identify and respond to COVID-19 in the school community.
"The Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation continues to find innovative ways to support our community through the Pandemic," stated President and CEO James M. Anthony. "We are proud to support a school testing program designed to enable the education of our children in these difficult times."
Harbor Homes Help Island Homeless
The Harbor House for Men
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, Harbor Homes is better able to provide safe and secure housing along with case management services and life skills training for the homeless on Martha's Vineyard. A large portion of the donation was used for a consultant to analyze and provide long-term solutions for homelessness on Martha's Vineyard and another amount was used to help with hotel vouchers and housing needs.
The Harbor House for Men was opened in June of 2020 and helps those who are homeless or about to be homeless and aims to function as a permanent housing solution.
For more information on Harbor Homes please visit harborhomesmv.com.
Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard
An example of grab bars in place to help seniors stay in their homes longer.
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard, our elder Island population can be helped to remain "in place" for as long as possible by adding safety features to their existing homes, such as grab-bars and ramps into their homes, and to continue living in familiar surroundings. Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard is an arm of Martha's Vineyard Community Services.
For more information on Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard please visit hamv.org.
Community Health Center of Cape Cod
With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation to Community Health Center of Cape Cod, a large portion was given for the organization to help increase its COVID-19 testing efforts in Falmouth, and another portion was given as a response to COVID-19 for the Community Health Center of Cape Cod to use at its discretion.
The Community Health Center of Cape Cod is a one-stop health care hub - which offers primary care, behavioral health care, dental care, women's health services, optometry, addiction recovery services, on-site affordable prescriptions, x-ray and ultrasound services, barrier assessments and assistance, Veterans care, and additional programs.
For more information on Community Health Center of Cape Cod please visit chcofcapecod.org.
Island Autism Group
With a donation from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, the Island Autism Group was able to purchase a new van. Affectionately named "Moby," this new van will help get the Island's autistic children to programs and fun activities around the Island as soon as it is safe to do so.
For more information please visit islandautism.org.
Contribution to the Childcare Relief Fund on Martha's Vineyard

With a contribution from the Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, the Childcare Relief Fund on Martha's Vineyard was able to help support multiple pre-schools on Martha's Vineyard during the 8-12 week pandemic-related shut-down.
In addition, Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation provided funding for 18 portable nano atomizers with disinfectant to early education childcare providers on Martha's Vineyard to help keep the children safer, and also ensured that each of the YMCA of Martha's Vineyard campers received their own tablet at the start of camp 2020 to aid in Summer Learning Loss Prevention.
Other Falmouth Contributions
- Belonging to Each Other (Homelessness)
- Salvation Army (Homelessness & Meals)
- Founders Fund for YMCA of Falmouth
- Falmouth Housing Trust
- Neighborhood Falmouth
- Falmouth Senior Center
- Farming Falmouth
- We Can (Helping women in transition)
- Falmouth Rotary
- Falmouth VIPs
- Friends of Nobska Light
- Falmouth Farmers Market
- Falmouth Childcare Centers
- Museums on the Green
- Falmouth Community Television
- Elder Services Cape Cod & The Islands
- Falmouth Dog Park
Other Martha's Vineyard Contributions
- Island Food Pantry
- Island Grown Initiative
- Friends of Council of Aging - Up-Island, Oak Bluffs, Edgartown, Tisbury
- FUEL (Foundation for Underway Experiential Learning) - Teaching sailing and life lessons on seafaring voyages as participants cultivate skills to navigate life.
- Veterans (To provide support for Island Veterans by buying gift cards to places like Stop & Shop for groceries and other necessities.)
- Salvation Army (Homelessness & Meals)
- Camp Jabberwocky (With the summer 2020 shut-down of Camp Jabberwocky, camp administrators launched Camp Jabberwebby instead. Funds were used for online programming and programming such as sending craft boxes to campers' homes.)
- MV Cancer Support (Let's families dealing with cancer know they are not alone and helps with things such as travel to doctors and financial assistance due to loss of income.)
- Boys & Girls Club (Childcare & Camp)
- Martha's Vineyard Mediation Program
- Vineyard House (Safe & structured living for people in early stages of drug & alcohol recovery)
- Martha's Vineyard Museum
- Sail MV
Total Approved Grants 2020: $1,236,094
COVID-Related Approved: $633,213
2020 Donations Approved

2020 Donations Distributed
