Bank Employee Support
Employee and Trustee Directed Donations
We support our employees and trustees, and they pay that support forward to communities they care about.
Each year, employees and trustees are given the opportunity to direct donations to a nonprofit of their choice within the community footprint that Martha's Vineyard Bank serves. Employees are able to author a letter stating that they appreciate the work of their chosen nonprofit and that they are directing their allotment of funds to that particular organization.
Corporate Matching
In addition to Employee Directed Donations, Martha's Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation matches up to $400 of giving per employee per year. For example, if an employee donates $400 to his or her favorite local nonprofit, the Bank's namesake Foundation will match that contribution and the local nonprofit ends up with a $800 donation.

Our employees are willing to walk a mile to help a neighbor.
The talent and generosity of our employees extends far and wide and we encourage employees to support organizations that are important to them. Martha's Vineyard Bank offers employees eight hours of paid time off to volunteer for a local charity, nonprofit organization, or community event.